Equality or Inequality

Newton stated that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Well, in modern physics, every force has an opposite, but not necessarily equal force - and that's a good thing.

There are four different forces that exist in nature: weak, strong, electromagnetic, and gravitational.

On the microscopic scale, atoms are govern by two forces: weak and strong. Weak forces are from weak gauge bosons, which are responsible for radioactive decay of substances, like uranium and cobalt. Strong forces are from gluons, which hold atoms together.

On a larger scale, everything from people/animals, to the earth and universe is also governed by two forces: electromagnetic and gravitational. Electromagnetic forces are from photons, (i.e. light, which has both electric and magnetic properties), and gravity, which keeps our feet planted on the ground.

All four of these forces are present everywhere (and at all times) though interestingly, the unequal ratio of these forces to each other creates a perfect and divine balance throughout the universe.

For example, suppose there are two people standing next to each other. Both gravitational and electromagnetic forces act on these two people. However, if the gravitational force were several times greater than the electromagnetic force, the two people would be stuck together like glue and they would have a hard time pushing each other away (which for some people, wouldn't be a bad thing). Though, in many ways, thankfully, this isn't the case.

This exercise is even more interesting at the subatomic level. If we place two electrons next two each other, the same two forces act on them. Is the electromagnetic force or the gravitational force stronger? No contest. The electromagnetic repulsion between the two is about a million billion billion billion billion times stronger (or 10^42). In fact, if you were holding one of the electrons using your left hand, your right hand would extend beyond the edge of the known universe to represent the strength of this electromagnetic force. The reason why electromagnetic forces don't completely overwhelm gravitational forces in our world, is because there are usually enough positive and negative charges to cancel each other out. Good thing, because otherwise, we'd have complete chaos!

In fact, the delicate balance of charges creates all of the elements on the periodic table. For example, protons crammed together in atomic nuclei all repel each other, but the strong force of gluons holds them together in place, and the ratio of these forces is structured to create a sort of divine harmony. A rather small change between these forces at the subatomic level would easily disrupt the balance of every atom in nature and cause nuclei to disintegrate.

Consider this - if the mass of an electron were a few times greater than it is, electrons and protons would combine to form neutrons, creating an entire world of hydrogen (the simplest element). Not only would it prevent the production of more complex elements, but it would wipe out the existence of life itself. The existence of this perfect ratio creates everything around us - all that we cherish.

We often espouse the benefits of equality in the world, but in essence, there is a place for equality AND inequality. The equal balance of charges results in harmony, while the unequal balance of masses (of subatomic particles) results in life. Perhaps if we could all learn to strike the same delicate balance (as nature has done), we would all be better off...


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